
Learning happens everywhere.



Learning spaces can be ...

Learner Initiated

At home, sports fields, community library etc.

Virtual spaces like online games, metaverses etc.

Learning Community Initiated

Spaces typically found within a formal learning community i.e. High/Middle School.

A classroom is just one space that we learn.

A learner's real world is a combination of their physical & virtual worlds.

More About Metaverses

selfdriven will build a space within its Metaverse Assets (e.g. Cornucopias Custom Dome) for the selfdriven Community to meet, collaborate & play!


The importance of play and social interaction in learning.


Check out the selfdriven Universal Skill Set


selfdriven community (SDC) and achievment (SDA) tokens.


We work well with others, if you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know.